The sophrologic approach adapts to your specific needs and proposes a custom-tailored programme according to your context, your constraints, your aspirations and your impediments.
The first meeting lasts approximately 1:30. We discuss about the context in which you are and we define together a course of action according to your objective. Each new meeting lasts 1 hour either as face-to-face or by video conference (skype). While keeping to the targeted objective, it will be customised as we go along to adapt to your progress and to use your resources and your potentials as they emerge. It is advisable to practise as often as possible in order to anchor the mechanisms and to be able to progress smoothly.
Check prices here.
Sophrology is ideal in the following situations :
- Potentiel optimisation: concentration and memory, motivation and personnel capabilities
- Increase in Energy and vitality,
- Improvement of self–confidence and self-esteem, public speaking
- Stress, physical tensions,
- Sleep issues,
- Burn-out,
- Management of emotions: anxiety, frustration, guilt, sadness, anger, fear
- Panic attacks, tetany seizure, stage/exams fright & phobias,
- Depression, transitions and life changes, professional and personal project management,
- Pain management,
- Food disorders (anorexia, bulimia), addictions (alcohol, tobacco, sex, games…) …
Stress and hyperactivity are increasingly frequent in children. Presented in a playful mode, sophrology acts on behavioural problems, on sleep, on anxiety issues and makes it possible to optimise concentration, memorising and training. It is particularly efficient in the following situations:
- Releasing tensions and calming fits of angers
- Managing fears and anxiety, night terrors, disturbed sleep
- Developing mental and physical calmness
- Developing attention and concentration capacities, managing school learning difficulties
- Dealing with over-excitement and hyperactivity disorders
- Issues with moving home, changing schools, birth of sibling …
Teenagers and students
- Stressful body changes
- Lack of self-confidence or of self-motivation
- Anxiety
- Problems of self-image
- Lack of memory, concentration, creativity
- Exams, speech preparation
- Food disorders …
Sportsmen, sportwomen
- Mental preparation to optimise performances
- Competition-related stress
- Concentration problems
- Improving motivation
- Improving sleep and stamina
How to manage classes in a benevolent and alleviated atmosphere
- Discovering the range of emotions – how to express them (CNV)
- Managing the emotions and getting to know how to express /release them smoothly (Sophro)
- Optimising class learning context (concentration, memorising and restitution)
- Discovering relaxation, physical and mental calmness
- Evacuating children’s tensions and restlessness…