English version


Sophrology is a progressive structured technique created in the fifties and sixties by Dr Alfonso Caycedo, a surgeon and neuro-psychiatrist. It provides support and methodology during life’s challenging periods, for example a change or transition in life or employment, an exam, a competition, an interview, a reflection break in one’s life, but also a separation, an illness, a depression, an addiction or a disorientation.

It is also a space of benevolence, a travel in your inner space, an attention to what lies dormant in you, i.e. the acquired resources and the innate talents, sometimes hidden, that are at your disposal and which you will discover progressively in order to produce optimal health, improve well-being or develop skills. Many sports people in France have a sophrologist to coach them in their mental preparation.

It is a journey towards a positive attitude, a transformation of the old heavy and limiting programmes to generate new schemes of thoughts, to nurture joy and serenity, to enhance one’s inner forces and to create new outlooks.

This discovery is both physical and mental. It gives access to more body consciousness and allows to be more connected to one’s sensations thanks to various techniques based on conscious breathing, dynamic relaxation, smooth body movements and visualisation.

Sophrology is for everyone. It can be practised in theme groups or individually for a custom-tailored voice-guided walk-through.

The sophrologist will guide you orally. The individual customised exercises, can be recorded on one’s cellular phone, thus enabling to practice between each session.